General Physical Health

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It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.”

– Mahatma Gandhi


While there is information all over the internet about what herbs can do for your body, this is a place curated for you so that you don’t have to work so hard. It’s not only teachers who appreciate access to resources!

One of the oldest jokes among teachers is having the ability to “hold it” for hours at a time. It’s not funny when bladder issues become real from days, months, and years of practicing holding your bladder in for long periods. The recipe for “Better Bladder” has juniper berries in it and is paired with the terpene Limonene for a citrusy flavor. Juniper has also said to be good for kidney stones and Urinary Tract Infections which is common with teachers.

Poor blood circulation can cause numbness, pain, cramps and other health issues that are best avoided. While it isn’t a condition but a result of other health issues it must not be ignored. The recipe for “Circulate Cultivate” has an herb called ahuehuete (Montezuma Baldycypress) and genetian root which both help to lower blood pressure and thus improving blood circulation. This tea should not be taken without other health considerations especially if you have issues with blood pressure and heart diseases. Cypress has many other health benefits that you can read about here.

Breathing exercises and meditation practices are often cited as lowering stress. If you’re struggling with respiratory issues then you could “Bolster” your “Breathing” with the special recipe that uses pine needles. Pine needle tea has vitamin C and is good for congestion and lung health.




Mental and Emotional Wellness